
I have developed a strong research potential in innovative physical layer security solutions for future wireless technologies with ultra-low energy requirements but high security standards. My research aims to bridge the gap between the theoretical modelling and practical exploitation of physical layer security using state-of-the-art testbeds and equipment.

Research Keywords


Research Topics

My research aims to exploit the wireless channel for security and sensing.

1. Wireless Security

Secure communication will be achieved by using key generation and device authentication.


1.1 Key Generation from Wireless Channels

Key generation is an emerging technique to establish cryptographic keys between legitimate users by extracting randomness from their common channels.


1.2 Radio Frequency Fingerprint Identification (RFFI)

All the components of wireless devices will have slightly different features, e.g., carrier frequency of the oscillators, from the manufacturing processing. Similar to biometric fingerprint, these characteristics are unique and permanent, which can act as the fingerprint of the devices. This technique first requires collecting the device fingerprint and storing them in a database, and then classifies devices by comparing with the stored database whenever a device wishes to join the network.


2. Wireless Sensing

2.1 WiFi Sensing


2.2 mmWave Radar Sensing

To be updated

Research Demonstration

We are always keen to apply our knowledge to practical applications. Hence we have created several demonstration videos to present our applied research.

Resources and Facilities

We are equipped with abundant wireless devices including software defined radios, wireless kits, GPU platform etc. Please visit Resources and Facilities for detailed information.

Research and Technical Blogs

Please visit Research and Technical Blogs for detailed information.