Teaching - Final Year Project
Please find a list of the final year projects that I am supervising or have supervised. Students are also welcome to propose their own projects.
The final year projects that I am supervising usually
- Use embedded systems such as Raspberry Pi, Arduino, FPGA, and software defined radio platforms
- Build wireless applications, such as IoT, security, and sensing
- Involve wireless technologies including WiFi, LoRa/LoRaWAN, ZigBee, and Bluetooth;
- Require strong programming skills such as Python, C/C++, Matlab
- Involve machine learning and deep learning
I am running the following final year projects in the academic year 2023-2024.
- Device Authentication for Bluetooth based on Deep Learning and Radio Frequency Fingerprint
- Device Authentication for LoRa based on Deep Learning and Radio Frequency Fingerprint
- Device Authentication for WiFi Using Deep Learning and Radio Frequency Fingerprint
- Gesture Recognition Using Deep Learning and mmWave Sensor
- Gesture Recognition Using Deep Learning and WiFi
- Device Authentication for WiFi based on Deep Learning and Radio Frequency Fingerprint
- Drone Detection and Classification Using RF Signals and Deep Learning
- Gesture Recognition Using Deep Learning and mmWave Sensor
- Gesture Recognition Using Deep Learning and WiFi
- LoRa-Based Key Generation in Low Power Wide Area Networks
- NFC Device Identification Using Deep Learning and Radio Frequency Fingerprint
- Device Authentication for WiFi based on Deep Learning and Radio Frequency Fingerprint
- Device Authentication for LoRa based on Deep Learning and Radio Frequency Fingerprint
- LoRa-Based Key Generation in Low Power Wide Area Networks
- Gesture Recognition Using Deep Learning and mmWave Sensor
- Gesture Recognition Using Deep Learning and WiFi
- Deep Learning and mmWave Sensor-based Gesture Recognition
- Deep Learning and WiFi-based Gesture Recognition
- Device Authentication for WiFi based on Deep Learning and Radio Frequency Fingerprint Using SDR
- Device Authentication for ZigBee based on Deep Learning and Radio Frequency Fingerprint
- Deep Learning based RFF Identification for LoRa
- Deep Learning based RFF Identification for LoRa
- Deep Learning based RFF Identification for LoRa Using Raspberry Pi
- Deep Learning based RFF Identification for WiFi
- Deep Learning based RFF Identification for Bluetooth
- Bluetooth-based Key Generation
- Build A WiFi-based Key Generation System Using Raspberry Pi
- Sub GHz ZigBee-based Key Generation
- wIoT - A distributed IoT operating system basing on NodeJS (student proposed project)
- Securing Body Area Networks Using Electrocardiogram Signals
- LoRa-Based Key Generation in Low Power Wide Area Networks
- Build A WiFi-based Key Generation System Using Raspberry Pi
- Investigating RF impairments for the Radio Frequency Fingerprinting Identification
- Machine Learning-based LoRa Device Classification
- Build a Complete LoRaWAN-based Internet of Things System
- Build An Automatic Secure Key Generation Protocol for WiFi Systems
- Build a LoRaWAN-based Internet of Things System
- Build a Secure LoRa-based Internet of Things System