Resources and Facilities
Thanks to the generous financial support from Royal Society and the Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics, University of Liverpool, our group has equipped with advanced testbeds and facilities. We are capable of carrying out a variety of wireless tests and building embedded Internet of Things systems.
Software Defined Radio (SDR)
- USRP X310 + 2xUBX 160 USRP RF Daughterboard
- USRP X310 + TwinRX RF Daughterboard
- USRP N210 + UBX 40 USRP RF Daughterboard *4
- USRP B210 *3
- RFSoC 4x2 *3
- WARP v3 *3
- LimeSDR *3
- Zedboard + AD-FMCOMMS2-EBZ FMC module
- bladeRF 2.0 micro xA9 *2
- HackRF One *2
- antSDR*2
- PlutoSDR*3
Wireless Kit
- Pycom FiPy *10 (for WiFi, Bluetooth, LoRa, SigFox and NB-IoT)
- Pycom LoPy4*100 (for WiFi, Bluetooth, LoRa, and SigFox)
- LoRa devices, including mbed LoRa sx1272, sx1261, sx1276, sx1280 (2.4 GHz LoRa), Arduino LoRa shield and Microchip RN2483 LoRa
- Nordic Semiconducto: nRF52840 Dongle, nRF52840 DK, nRF5340 DK, (for ZigBee and Bluetooth)
- Texas Instrument: CC1352P, CC2652P, CC2640R2, CC1352P1
- ESP32: ESP32 and ESP32-S3 for WiFi and Bluetooth
- Raspberry Pi-based LoRaWAN Gateway, RAK831
GPU Platform
FPGA Platform
Single Board Computer
- Up squared board
- Raspberry Pi 4
- Raspberry Pi 5
- Intel NUC mini PC
mmWave Radar
- IWR6843AOPEVM: IWR6843AOP evaluation module for integrated antenna-on-package (AoP) intelligent mmWave sensor
- IWR6843ISK: IWR6843 evaluation module for single-chip 60GHz long-range antenna mmWave sensor.
- IWR1843BOOST: IWR1843 single-chip 76-GHz to 81-GHz industrial radar sensor evaluation module
- DCA1000EVM : Real-time data-capture adapter for radar sensing evaluation module
- MMWAVEICBOOST: mmWave sensors carrier card platform
The High Frequency Engineering Group at University of Liverpool has an anechoic chamber and the biggest reverberation chamber in the UK universities.