Linux For Beginners

1 minute read


This paper summarizes some common and basic usages of Linux. The information is only suitable for beginners.


Linux Test

How To Start

  1. If you are using Windows OS, you can access to the remote server by
  2. Basic Commands cd, ls, mkdir, pwd, cat, grep,sudo

Common Usage

  1. Ubuntu Documentation on How to Use the Terminal
  2. Graphic Notebook Editor
    • Command: gedit file_name.extension
  3. vim getting started
  4. Display information of your active processes.
    • Command: ps -ef | grep loginname Or ps -ef | grep first_7_characters_of_your_loginname_if_it_is_longer_than_8_characters
  5. Kill A Process
    • Command: kill PID
  6. Copy all the contents of ~/folder1 to ~/new_folder1: cp -r ~/folder1/. ~/new_folder1

  7. Module
    • Check available modules: module avail
    • Check loaded modules: module list
    • Load a module: module load apps/MATLAB/R2020a
    • Unload a module: module unload apps/MATLAB/R2020a

Running Matlab Remotely in a Server

Step 1: Load Matlab

  • Command: module load apps/MATLAB/R2020a

Step 2: Run Matlab without GUI and in the background

  • Command: nohup matlab -r MatlabScriptName -nodisplay - nosplash -nojvm -nodesktop &

The above command may output Bad file descriptor and Warning: “Error reading Character from command line” error. In this case, using the following command instead:

nohup matlab -nodesktop -nosplash -nodisplay < main.m >log.txt 2>&1 &


“>log.txt” refers to redirecting the output to log.txt. 2>&1 means to input the error information into log.txt, 2 Refers to the standard input and output error (stderr), 1 refers to the standard output (stdout), 2> & 1 means 2 is equivalent to 1 output, the last & is the meaning of background operation, combined with the nohup command.
