Key Generation Reference


This paper summarizes some important key generation references.

Review/Survey/Tutorial on Key Generation

  1. Junqing Zhang, Guyue Li, Alan Marshall, Aiqun Hu, and Lajos Hanzo, “A New Frontier for IoT Security Emerging From Three Decades of Key Generation Relying on Wireless Channels,” IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 138406 - 138446, 2020. link
  2. Junqing Zhang, Trung Q. Duong, Alan Marshall, and Roger Woods, “Key generation from wireless channels: A review,” IEEE Access, vol. 4, pp. 614- 626, Mar. 2016. Open Access. link
  3. Junqing Zhang, Trung Q. Duong, Roger Woods, and Alan Marshall, “Securing wireless communications of the Internet of Things from the physical layer, An overview,” Entropy, vol. 19, no. 8, 420, 2017. (Invited Paper) link
  4. Guyue Li, Chen Sun, Junqing Zhang, Eduard Jorswieck, Bin Xiao, Aiqun Hu, “Physical Layer Key Generation in 5G and Beyond Wireless Communications: Challenges and Opportunities,” Entropy, vol. 21, no. 5, 497, 2019. link
  5. Christopher Huth, René Guillaume, Thomas Strohm, Paul Duplys, Irin Ann Samuel, and Tim Güneysu. “Information reconciliation schemes in physical-layer security: A survey.” Computer Networks, vol. 109, pp: 84-104, Nov. 2016. link
  6. Tao Wang, Yao Liu, and Athanasios V. Vasilakos, ‘‘Survey on channel reciprocity based key establishment techniques for wireless systems,’’ Wireless Networks, vol. 21, no. 6, pp. 1835–1846, Aug. 2015. link
  7. Kai Zeng, ‘‘Physical layer key generation in wireless networks: Challenges and opportunities,’’ IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 53, no. 6, pp. 33–39, Jun. 2015. link
  8. Kui Ren, Hai Su, and Qian Wang, ‘‘Secret key generation exploiting channel characteristics in wireless communications,’’ IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 6–12, Aug. 2011. link


  • NIST SP 800-22: A Statistical Test Suite for the Validation of Random Number Generators and Pseudo Random Number.[Link] C code available for download. Python implementation can be downloaded from here.

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